Practice Expectations
Acton Middle School Band Practice Expectations & Objective Sheets / Chair Test
The Acton Middle School Bands are continually working to exceed set goals, creating a legacy for future band members. We recognize our previous accomplishments and use them as building blocks for future success.
The AMS Band program is designed to be fun! Keep in mind that we are also a COMPETING organization with high expectations for our individual members and each band that is made up of individual members.
Consistent, quality practice is ESSENTIAL to the success of our band program here at AMS. Students in each band are EXPECTED to practice and be prepared to pass off objectives (Advanced Bands only) or chair tests (Beginner Band).
Objective Sheets: (Advanced Bands only)
Objective Sheets are due at the end of the grading period, and each objective is a major grade. Each member of the advanced bands will be given a new objective sheet at the beginning of each 6-weeks and will be responsible for keeping up with it.
How it works: You will perform each objective for Mrs. Page, Mrs. Johnson, and Ms. Cummons in person. You can do this before or after school or during designated times during band class. Every section will be pulled out once a week and this will be your best time to complete objectives. There will be other times designated for you to complete objectives in class throughout the Six Weeks. However, it is the student's responsibility to make sure you complete all objectives before the due date. Objectives are PASS/FAIL - once mastery is established and you have passed your objective, your sheet will be signed. If you do not perform to standard, you will be asked to practice and try again later - there is no limit to the number of times you can try an objective. Missing or lost objective sheets will receive a zero.
Chair Test: (Beginner Bands only)
Beginner band students will have chair tests every week and this is a performance grade (major grade). The students will perform in class and will be given a grade and this will determine where they sit every week. If a student does not perform well that day, they are encouraged to retake the chair test, so they can raise their grade. However, their chair placement will stay the same until next Friday's chair test.